“I am happy with the work done by TDC’s business matching team at the Hong Kong Houseware Fair 2013. The matching is perfect and they have greatly saved my time, what should be done in 3 days is done in one day! The meetings are well-planned and the suppliers are just what I need. Doing business with Hong Kong companies is easy and convenient. We are looking for brand products to sell in the Dubai shopping festival, and the Hong Kong suppliers are well-prepared and can immediately ship the goods,” Mr de Souaz indicates.
He mentions Dubai is enjoying a stable economy, as it is a safe place in the middle east area and it attracts many people from the neighbouring countries to live there, which in turn stimulates the houseware business.
“I think only HKTDC is doing an amazing job to organize such large fairs. The buyer meeting is value added services that provide the buyer excellent service such as well meeting environment and quality suppliers.”